A Belated Goodbye to 2009

Although the holiday season has come and gone, we’re inspired to bring it back for a moment – just to take rowdy 2009 by the strings and give it a proper, candy-filled, stress-relieving send off.

As the year came to a close, every industry faced the challenge of wishing their clients, vendors and business partners happy holidays in spite of the tough economic times that 2009 wrought.   While some sent fruit baskets and wine, Agency RAPP Canada had a different idea.

RAPP’s solution was to put together an “In Case of Holidays, Break Open” package which contained a candy-filled piñata, giving people the opportunity to express how they really felt about the year. Along with the piñata came several accessories, including a decorative bat, some holiday cards, Mucha Lucha masks – even a “Los Smash Mix 2009” to get the party started. Each item was branded using the agency’s labels and custom disclaimers.

To make this campaign international, RAPP also designed a micro site in which visitors could virtually obliterate the ‘09 piñata with a few well-aimed clicks of the mouse.

So thanks, RAPP Canada, for making the end of a long year a little bit sweeter!