Beyond Demographics

How well do you know your customers? Of course there are basic demographic and psychographic data, but there’s a lot more to know: where they live, where they shop, what they read and who they are friends with. And once you know all this, what do you do with it? Create mammoth Excel spreadsheets, two …

Ready, aim, fire.

Advertising, marketing, and public relations work together like a finely tuned machine. In each approach are different tools; they can be used all together, interchangeably, or not at all. The key is to determine what tools your brand needs to implement. This is where research comes in. You have a product or message that needs …

Are you Advertising-Minded?

The Institute of Practitioners of Advertising (IPA) has created the Diagonal Thinking Test to assess their hypothesis that the most successful individuals in the business think both linearly and laterally (i.e. diagonally).  What does this mean? According to the IPA’s hypothesis, great advertisers can determine the exactness of a situation and also devise many solutions …

Target Audience: America

Defining your target audience in any communications campaign is absolutely key. What segment of the population are you reaching out to, who is your audience? Urban children or the illiterate? College students, vegans or single mothers? Upper-class Monopoly-style-monocle-consumers? Once you have determined your target audience, your campaign will gain the necessary focus it needs to …