Live the “Good Life” with Allstate’s new commercial

Live the “Good Life” with Allstate’s new commercial

We all love getting funny birthday cards, but getting a card written from the heart is almost always preferred. AllState Insurance recently took that advice when they switched from their recently popular comical “Mayhem” commercial series, to the new emotional “Good Life” commercial.

The company partnered with the award winning ad agency Leo Burnett (also the creator of the “Mayhem” ads) to create a moving commercial that conveys the message that despite all of bad things that can happen to us every day,  we are willing to put ourselves in danger because of the potential of good in our lives.

I was caught tearing up during the spot when I heard the little girl’s voice explain each scenario that could take our lives or cause us harm. The inspirational images of people living their lives to their fullest that accompanied her voice showed us that life experiences are well worth avoiding the dangers of the world. Beyond advertising Insurance, this video captivated the room because of its raw truthfulness and exposure of the human’s desire for a good life.

The young girl narrating the TV spot speaks an important message that just because bad things happen in life, we shouldn’t stop living and enjoying each moment. This goes hand in hand with AllState’s pledge to being there when you need them most, “You’re In good Hands with Allstate.”

AllState Good Life TV Spot