Top 5 Social Media Tools : #2

Twitter – Blogging for the ADD

Someone recently asked me why I used Twitter. The answer is simple. I’m too busy to blog. Twitter allows me to keep my friends posted on the ins and outs of my every day life without me having to spend 20 minutes writing a blog entry and hoping someone goes and reads it. And who has time to worry about all that? For example, I recently returned to work from maternity leave. While I’ve been meaning to write a blog entry about it, I just haven’t had time. Twitter has allowed me to quickly post little snippets of my last week at work without me dropping off the social media machine all together.  It even allows for comments from my followers, so all of my “Tweets” don’t go unanswered.  It’s as fast and easy as instant messaging.

So you are thinking, “This is great, but I have Facebook, so why do I need this?” True, Facebook also has status updates, but it also has hours and hours of time wasting fun – and there’s not always time for that. I don’t know about you, but when I log into Facebook, I often stay there a bit too long. To negate the double status update, simply sync up your Facebook account with Twitter and from here on out you’ll have one status update in two places.

Still on the fence? What if I told you that you don’t even have to go to Twitter’s website to maintain your account? Try using a Twitter client like Twitterrific (Mac) or twhirl (Mac or PC) to keep up with Tweets from you and your friends.  On the go? Use your cell phone to text message your updates. Twitter has made it incredibly easy to Tweet from just about anywhere. Now there’s just no excuse for letting your online persona fall through the cracks.

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Twitter far exceeds just personal use. Companies are using it to go viral, searching out key words from user posts and sending them follow requests. Thinking you don’t want to be spammed? Think again. Companies who use Twitter often give out great incentives to followers such as special online sales, notifications of big events, and even free give-aways. For businesses it’s a great new way to advertise. For consumers, it can mean great benefits.

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  1. Pam says:

    In class today a friend mentioned an article she read about people getting hired based on their Twitter posts. I’m not sure how often this happens, but Twitter can help enhance your presence in the social media space. So college students, start Twitting!

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