Top 5 Social Media Tools : #1

Friendfeed – One Stop Shop to Cyber Stalk

Let’s face it. There are just too many social media outlets out there for any one person to keep up with. Yes, I want people to read my latest blog entry, but what about my Facebook status? My latest uploads to Flickr? My Netflix Queue? And how is anyone going to know what to get me for my birthday if they don’t check my Amazon Wishlist? Someone is going to have to be seriously dedicated if they want to keep up with my busy online lifestyle. And I do want to be kept up with. Otherwise, what’s the point of putting it all out there, right?

Now there is an easy way to bring together all of these varied sites to make a cyber-stalker’s life more simple. Friendfeed allows a registered user to select from 59 different kinds of social media feeds to post on their profile page in a single, consolidated feed. The best part is this feed is available as RSS. It can be imported into the user’s favorite reader thus cutting out the need to visit any site at all! Lurkers rejoice – Friendfeed doesn’t require registration in order to view profiles so feel free to troll unnoticed.

Check out my feed at

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