In the beginning, most social media platforms shared one common flaw: they required users to stay in one spot. Blogs, Friendster, MySpace, and Facebook all require users to pause their life and take time to sit in front of a computer to create content. The next big social media wave (Twitter) began to change this with users updating their status via SMS wherever they are. With the recent advances in smart phones this trend has begun to quickly spread and as 2010 opens, the focus will be on mobile social networks such as Gowalla, Brightkite, and FourSquare.
The most important benefit of these new more mobile social media platforms is that they allow organizations to target loyal customers, as well as, users by coverage area.
This new focus illustrates that as the social media sphere continues to evolve, organizations will have to spend even more time staying up to date on what the most useful social media tools are for them. Are you and your organization ready?