As a public relations practitioner (and generally appropriate person), etiquette is one of my favorite topics. While I’ve encountered many uncertain situations, I find having some knowledge of etiquette provides confidence, especially as a communicator.
The inevitable “oops” is bound to happen, but for communicators, knowing your stuff will help both clients and your company. For instance, on which side of your shirt do you where a nametag? What do you do with that used Splenda packet at the table? Who do you introduce first…your boss or your father? Is that my water on the right? It’s enough to make you avoid social situations all together.
Here’s one trick for that eternal bread vs. drink directional question. The easy-to-remember solution lies in your hands – Make a circle with each hand using your thumb and index finger. You’ll create a “b” and a “d” shape, indicating bread to the left and drink to the right. Outstanding! That’s one problem solved.
To prevent snafus, every PR pro should own an etiquette book (great gift for recent grads). There are many to choose from, covering everything from Twitter to Triathlons, but Emily Post is tried and true. I prefer the condensed version (small enough to fit in my Poppins-like purse).
Cool trick – I’ve never heard of that before.
I will say, that is quite helpful! Thanks 😉
Thank you!