Happy Halloween from all of us at Kidd Group!
In the spirit (see what I did there? Spirit? Ghost?) of All Hallow’s Eve, the employees came together to celebrate with pumpkin carving, costumes, and lots of sweets.
We love any chance to show off our creative spirit and dressing up was no exception! From CIA agent, to the Travelocity Gnome, to our own head honcho, the Kidd Group costumes ran the spectrum of Halloween possibilities!
And that’s not all! More costumes and pumpkin carving after the jump.
Our pumpkin contest was in the spotlight. 3W Studios carried away two awards, with Olivier winning the “Funniest” prize and Jeremy touting the “Scariest”. Trish stole the show with her Jack-o-Jebediah; she won the “Most Creative” and the overall prize of “Best in Show.” With that creativity, it’s no wonder she’s the first mate of this crew!