Kidd Public Relations took home a grand total of six awards during Tuesday’s Golden Image ceremony at the Florida Public Relations Association’s 71st Annual Conference in Boca Raton, Fla.
Known as the standard for public relations excellence in the sunshine state, this awards program acknowledges quality in PR research, strategic planning, implementation and budget management. Kidd Public Relations thanks the Kidd team members and clients who contributed to these award-winning programs:
- Golden Image Award: “Ride Proud. Dress Loud. Motorcycle Campaign” – Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
- Judges Award: “Grassroots Training Day” – Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.
- Judges Award: “Pier Park Express” – Bay Town Trolley and the West Florida Regional Planning Council
- Judges Award: “Ride Proud. Dress Loud. Motorcycle Campaign” – Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
- Award of Distinction: “Grassroots Training Day” – Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.
- Award of Distinction: “Pier Park Express” – Bay Town Trolley and the West Florida Regional Planning Council
* The Golden Image Award is presented to the top-scoring entry in each category if it meets predetermined criteria of excellence set by the judges. Judges Awards are presented to outstanding entries that achieve maximum results while using a minimum amount of money. Awards of Distinction are presented to entries that meet the standards of excellence set by a panel of judges.