Welcome Home Miles

I wanted to write my weekly blog about my son, Miles David Vorass who was born at 3:17am on Wednesday August 12, 2009. He was 8 pounds 15 ounces and 20.5 inches long (big like his dad!). The delivery was a long one! We had anticipated him coming two weeks later so when my wife told me “it’s time”, I was both excited and nervous. Contractions started at 10am on Tuesday the 11th. We were in for the long haul. My wife had decided that she would use no drugs what-so-ever during the delivery. That kind of pain is unbearable to watch let alone endure. I can (thankfully) only imagine how bad it must have been. I kept telling her, “This is the last time you’ll ever have to do this!”. I think that helped a little bit.

After midnight the really hard labor kicked in. At one point I think my hand went numb from her squeezing it so hard. We had hired a dula this time to help with pain management. A dula is kind of a coach who gives the expectant mother massage, music and verbal therapy. I thought I could manage this myself, but having her there really helped us both out tremendously. At 3:17am he finally made it out into the world. They hooked him up to what seemed like 100 wires measuring everything that could be measured. It turned out that he had a fluid build up in his lungs and could not breathe in regular patterns. I was able to hold him for about a minute (when this picture was taken) before he was sent to the Neonatal intensive-care unit where he remained for the next 4 days until his breathing was regular. I would have liked to take him home earlier, but having him healthy was more important. He’s now home with his mom, sister, and me and doing fine. He was up most of last night and I’m surprised I’m writing this without falling asleep on my keyboard. We have many of these nights to look forward to. I also have many days to look forward to meeting him. I’d say it’s all worth it.


  1. Cindy Martin says:

    We are glad you are here!

    The memories of the pain will fade away. Enjoy him, realize as you look at Ella that she was that small only yesterday. I know you are wonderful parents!!

  2. Allison says:

    Glad the family is doing well! Welcome, new Kidd Miles!

  3. Cyndi says:

    Congratulations! Don’t forget to hook up the caffeine I.V. and all will be fine! Blessings to your entire family.

  4. colleen says:

    So excited for all of you. Sending good wishes your way (and a wish for restful nights!)

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