Hatch Show Print

I recently had the opportunity to check out a very cool print studio I had read about but never seen in person, “Hatch Show Print” in Nashville, TN.  If the poster above looks familiar it’s because Hatch has been making posters for the music industry since 1879.  The really cool part is that the posters being made today at Hatch exactly as they were 100 years ago.  In fact, they preserve all of the woodcuts cut throughout the years to re-use again and again.  Someone may have cut a design 10 – 50 – 100 years ago and that design is being used today.  Granted the talented folks at Hatch are still creating amazing designs.  These designs may be used 100 years from now and be an inspiration for tomorrows poster artists.

Please take a minute to checkout this short film about Hatch Show Print and if you’re ever in Nashville, TN, be sure to head down to Broadway and check out the shop.  You’ll see posters being made the same way they have since the started.  You’ll also be able to purchase any one of the prints on the wall.  I picked up 2!

One Comment

  1. Hugh Butler says:

    Hi Steve

    I always enjoy a post about the magic of ink and paper. Thanks for this one!


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