The summer is beginning to wind down and fall is in the air, and when I think of fall there’s one thing that immediately comes to mind: college football. In this area, college football is almost an obsession; there are arguments, jokes, and rivalries around every team. But really, it boils down one word: passion. All of these universities have fans that are passionate about their school and they aren’t shy to show it; they wear shirts, fly flags, and paint their faces. They want people to know who their team is.
This isn’t something that’s unique to sports teams, the best brands tap into the human desire to express their passion. Whether it’s someone with a Harley-Davidson tattoo, wearing an Apple shirt, or choosing to drink water over Pepsi if a restaurant doesn’t have Coca-Cola, these brands have become part of their fans’ lifestyle. Fans won’t quickly jump ship from their chosen brand to another. Most importantly, these fans are also your brand’s ambassadors. They’re the ones out in the community talking about how much they love your bank or how you’re the only restaurant that can make their favorite dish.
So when working on your next marketing budget, make sure to add something special in for your fans. It can be something as simple as including a sticker with your logo or setting up a Facebook page to give your fans the inside info on new products. Whether it’s big or small you can be sure they’ll notice.
What is your brand doing to help its biggest fans?