Everything (Doesn’t) Fall Together

Today is my assigned blogging day. Usually I’ve had an idea or two and already written an outline for my latest post. This week is a little different though. As I sat down to put my type our my words I found myself at a loss. I had several blog topics in mind, but nothing was coming together. I tried to blame it on so much going on: weekend plans, a recent move, and life in general. But that wasn’t helping me write my blog.

I’m not one to give up easily, though. I decided to embrace my writer’s block and use it to write a (hopefully) insightful blog post. So I thought to myself: “I work with an awesome group of incredibly creative people. Let me see how they cope when they’re having a little trouble being creative.” With that in mind I asked some of the most creative people I know “What helps you be creative?”

Here are some of the answers I got back:

Sarah Jane and Ivette had a similar strategy. They are both “shower thinkers” Their best ideas seem to come to them when they’re in the shower. When I asked them why that was, we were able to figure out that it’s because it’s a comfortable, relaxing, quiet place that helps them to think. So for them it was all about finding a familiar place and being able to clear their mind.

Trish didn’t need a specific place to go to kick-start her creative mind. For her it’s all about looking at other creative work. As she put it she likes to look at “the good stuff, award winning, wish you did it work” and become inspired by what others have done. A look at what works and what’s creative helps her mind come up with new ideas.

But I didn’t want to stop there. I wanted to get even more input, so I asked a few of my friends from outside Kidd Group what helps them be creative.

My friend Nichole replied “Thinking like I’m 6.” For her it helps to bring a little child-like imagination into the mix and try to think with a mind that doesn’t throw out ideas just because they don’t make sense at first. She likes to let her mind take flights of fancy and then tie everything back together.

Then I heard from Scott. Scott told me that he had a lot of different ways according to the project and context, but for him there were few things that worked better than “a little bit of quiet time and a blank pad of paper.” Scott’s a logical guy and he likes to sit down and trace things through and sketch out ideas.

And last, but not least I asked Sunny. She finds her creative inspiration through everyday life. She found that when she had to force herself to sit down and try to be creative she would often have a little trouble. In her words “I get my ideas just through living life, talking to friends, watching movies, reading books, sitting on my porch drinking coffee and noticing the color of the sky and trees and whatnot.”

So that’s how some of the most creative people I know get their creative juices flowing. They all have a different technique, but it works for them. So, what helps you be creative? Leave a comment and let us know.

One Comment

  1. Jane S Weise says:

    How long does a shower have to be in order to qualify as a thinking place? I challenge Sarah Jane to explain this a bit more in her own blog. She is one of the most creative beings I know,so I’m sure she has interesting thoughts and experiences to share. Don’t kid around, just be a Kidd. Aren’t Grandmoms silly?

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