Brand-name Adoption

Every day, we are bombarded with thousands of advertising messages, logos and media.  So much so, that many of them have become commonplace.  Many of us have gone so far as to adopt certain brands into our everyday life without even realizing it. Don’t believe me?  Think about this:  it’s allergy season and you’re sneezing up a storm (not hard to imagine if you live in Tallahassee).  A runny nose has plagued you for days, but you’re prepared – you have a box of Kleenex ready and waiting.

Notice anything?  If not, then we’ve already identified one brand you’ve adopted.  Kleenex is not an actual product name, but rather a brand name for tissues.  And, it’s just one of many brand names that have become common words in society.  Think you’re too smart to fall for brand name adoption?  We’ll see about that.

What do you reach for when you cut your finger?   I’d venture to guess it’s not an adhesive bandage – you grab a Band-Aid, the brand created by Johnson & Johnson.  And when you’re putting food away to keep it fresh?  You probably ask for a Ziploc bag or Tupperware container.

Here are some more brand names that have become common words, and the products they represent:




Q-tip/cotton swabs

Chapstick/lip balm

Saran wrap/plastic wrap

Windex/window cleaner

White-Out/correction fluid

Starbucks/cup of caffeinated heaven

Can you think of any more examples?


  1. Mike "world's tallest kidd" Fingado says:

    Here are some more examples I was able to think of:
    ” Frisbee” – flying disc
    “Post-It” – sticky note
    “Scotch tape” – clear tape

  2. It looks like you are a true professional. Did you study about the matter?

  3. Brian Menard says:

    How about the brand name for a refigeration unit: The Refrigerator
    or flavored sugar water: Kool-Aid

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