Your Personal Style Filter

Your style provides you with a set of guidelines or  approaches that you have developed through countless hours of trial and error. These provide you with what can be called your personal style filter. This is a filter that exists in your mind rather than in  your hands.  However, you look through this filter and see the world through it just as well as if it was in front of you.

This filter consists of your way of seeing the world, from idea to print.  It starts with your vision for your work and ends when the final design. It includes each and every part of the design process, both technical and artistic.

As you work with this personal style filter, you need to design what you like rather than what you think you should like. Over time you will begin to develop a consistent way of seeing. You will discover that certain elements or characteristics are being repeated in your work without your conscious awareness. When this happens you will have made one more step towards achieving your style.

Your personal style can also be revealed to you through others. Listen carefully to what others say about your designs because they can help you identify specific characteristic of your work that you may not have noticed.

Photo Credit: Buenos Aires, illustrator, Sollinero