Walk a mile in their shoes

Some of the best creative comes from fully understanding your target audience. How do you do that? Here are a couple ideas to get the juices flowing that have worked for me:

  1. Cuss like a sailor: What language does the target audience use? Find out their lingo and use it as part of sentence with your product or service. This is where a focus group comes in handy or a wire tap (just kidding about the wire tap).
  2. Walk like an Egyptian: How does the target audience feel and act? (i.e. young, old, or stressed out).  You might look funny, but try mimicking or impersonating your target audience – role play!
  3. Wish on a star: What motivates them? (i.e. money, discounts, or chocolate). Look at likes and dislikes. Do they have aspirations? Write down 10 desires of your target audience (unrelated or related), be specific. (i.e. “I want a Porsche Cayenne GTS”)
  4. Follow the flock: Is your target audience trackable? Do they have migration patterns? (i.e. seasonal travel or a route home from work).
  5. Name that tune: What music do they listen to? Do they watch movies or read books – what kind? It’s important to know what other products, services or activities they are involved with.
  6. Swim with the dolphins: Why not conduct primary research and REALLY find out what they think and feel. Go where they go and watch first – see how they interact, what they’re wearing, even eating. Then jump right in! Ask questions and listen.

This will not only help you creatively, but strategically. From determining what images to use within an ad or identifying online key words, you must understand your target audience before you can speak to them.

What if your product was a tricycle? Try it!